Workshop on Medium-term Budgetary Frameworks (MTBFs)

The Working Group on medium-term budgetary frameworks (MTBFs) of the Network of the EU Independent Fiscal Institutions held a meeting for a seminar organised by Italy’s Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in Rome on the 7th September 2017. The WG, chaired by Chiara Goretti, member of the PBO’s Board, has discussed, together with representatives of the European Commission and independent experts, a preliminary version of the analysis on MTBFs, with the aim of presenting a position paper to the whole Network in the coming months. The ultimate goal of the WG is to contribute to the policy debate on the strengthening of existing MTBFs in EU countries. The discussion highlighted, among other things, the role that Independent Fiscal Institutions can play in assessing the quality of domestic frameworks and in promoting a medium-term approach for the implementation of budgetary policies.


Agenda of the workshop