Lilia Cavallari appointed President of the EU IFIS Network, the EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network

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13 June 2024 | Lilia Cavallari, President of the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), today also takes on the role of President of the EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network (IFIs), elected by unanimous vote of the members. The Network supports efforts to improve and consolidate the European framework of fiscal rules, increasing transparency and strengthening national ownership of budgetary planning.

Established in 2015, the Network of EU IFIs has voluntary membership and provides a platform for independent European tax control bodies, counterparts of the PBO, to meet, exchange views and expertise, and share resources in areas of common interest.

The ongoing transformations in European economic governance and the challenges at international level now call for more cooperation between Member States and the strengthening of institutions that enable informed budgetary choices and sustainable planning. I take on the role of President of the Network of European Fiscal Councils with an eye to collaboration and best practices as levers to contribute to the growth of the Network and its effectiveness. The discussion and expertise that come together here represent a fundamental support to foster sound budgetary policies in the EU” said Lilia Cavallari.

Cavallari, president of PBO and full professor of Economics at the University of Roma Tre, has experience at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and in the advisory board of the European Economics and Finance Society, as well as experience as a visiting professor at the Institute for New Economie Thinking at Cambridge University, the Institute for International Studies at Stockholm University, the Centre for European Integration Studies at the University of Bonn and the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics. She takes up the baton at the head of the Network from Richard van Zwol, Chairman of the Network since February 2021 and State Councillor at the Council of the Netherlands.