Press releases

Publication of Focus Paper no. 8 “An overview of public finance strategies in the 2020 Draft Budgetary Plans of euro-area countries”

Publication of Focus Paper no. 7 “Equalisation of key municipal functions: the case of childcare services”

2020 Budgetary Policy Report published

Publication of Focus Paper no. 6 “The state of healthcare in Italy”

Hearing of the Chairman of the PBO as part of the examination of the 2020 Budget Act

Publication of the Report on Recent Economic Developments for October 2019

Hearing on support measures for dependent children with the unified dependent children allowance and the unified childcare services allowance

Hearing of the PBO as part of the examination of the Update of the 2019 Economic and Financial Document

Trend macroeconomic scenario in the Update to the 2019 EFD endorsed

The Focus Paper no. 5 “A review of the budget strategies in the 2019 Stability and Convergence Programmes of EU countries” has been published

Publication of the Report on Recent Economic Developments for July 2019

Hearing on the assessment of the Government’s recent public finance measures

Hearing on the determination of the agreements pursuant to article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution

Publication of Flash “The Public Procurement Code: the challenge of finding the right balance”

Publication of Focus Paper no. 4 “Taxation of business income in the wake of the Growth Decree”

2019 Budgetary Planning Report published

Hearing of the PBO on the 2019 Economic and Financial Document

Publication of the Report on Recent Economic Developments for April 2019

Endorsement of macroeconomic trend scenario for 2019-2022 (EFD 2019)

Publication of Focus Paper no. 3 “Spendable budget surpluses of local authorities under the new budget balance rules”

Comments on the trend macroeconomic scenario (2019 EFD)

Informal hearing on public financial planning and agreement between ministries

New hearing of the PBO on the citizenship income and pensions

Focus Paper no. 2 “The 2019 budget: a summary of the definitive text” published

Publication of Focus Paper no. 1/2019 “An overview of public finance strategies in the 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans of the euro area countries”

Publication of the Report on Recent Economic Developments for February 2019

Hearing of the PBO on Bill no. 1018 on the citizenship income and pensions

2019 Budgetary Policy Report published